Sunday, November 2, 2008

Caramelized Onions

Caramelized onions are one of my favorite additions to darn near anything. They are great on pizza, a wonderful addition to soups and awesome added to a pan sauce after cooking steaks (a reduction of red wine and caramelized onions -perfection!) They are also time consuming to make. So, I like to take a couple of shortcuts. First, the food processor. I chop up at least 6 onions and throw them into my slow cooker. Then, I add *gulp* a stick of butter and turn it on low for the next day or so. I give it a stir when the spirit moves me and turn it off when they're golden brown. Once they are cool, I line my muffin tins with saran wrap and fill them up. (I don't like to take a chance that my next cupcake will be oniony) Once they are frozen, I pop them out and put them into a Ziploc bag. The muffin cup size works perfectly and they are handy as heck. This time, I'm planning to add them to meatloaf. I'll let you know how it goes.